About the Office of the Clerk of Court
The Office of the Clerk of the Court is responsible for maintaining the official records of the Court in accordance with existing state and local statutes.

Additional duties of the Clerk of Court include:
Record all proceedings of the Court, issue and sign summons and subpoenas and maintain all records within the court system.
Receive and safely maintain all evidence brought to the court.
Prepare and transmit copies of court records to proper appellate Courts upon notification that a case has been appealed.
Certify court documents or records when transmitted to other courts or agencies and ensure proper recording and safe keeping of transcripts for all hearings including adjudicatory, probable cause, detention and transfer hearings.
The Clerk of Court’s Office also maintains and oversees the Intake Unit and Record Room, and provides the Court’s Order of Business to the general public.
Intake Unit
Intake Officers receive and examine complaints and charges for the purpose of making appropriate referrals. Juvenile Intake Officers are the first point of contact for Law Enforcement, the Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS), Atlanta Public Schools, Fulton County School System, and the citizens of Fulton County on matters surrounding juvenile delinquency, dependency, and Child in Need of Services (CHINS). The Unit is responsible for entering delinquency, dependency and CHINS cases presented to the court and providing intervention services to families who wish to redirect a child. In this unit, cases are entered and processed for court handling. Intake is also responsible for monitoring detention populations and diverting cases away from the court that are better handled by families, community resources and/or schools. The Intake Unit operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.
Record Room
The Record Room receives petitions from the Complaint Office and allows the Office of the Clerk of Court staff to access scanned petitions and files through the Justice Case Activity Tracking System (JCATS).
Order of Business
The Order of Business contains information regarding the scheduling of delinquency hearings, dependency hearings, traffic hearings, Children In Need of Services (CHINS) hearings and administrative weeks. The document does not contain information regarding the scheduling of specific cases and/or related hearings. Visitors should contact the reception desk (404) 612-4402 for this information.
The Order of Business also contains information for 2023 holidays and a listing of the presiding judge for each week. Download a copy of the document here.
Traffic Court
Juvenile Court serves the residents of Fulton County by hearing all cases involving allegations of non-delinquent juvenile traffic offenses concerning children under the age of 17, as defined in O.C.G.A. 15-11-630.
If your child has received a notice to appear in Traffic Court, please notify us immediately if you need to request an alternate court date using the form below:
Requesting an Interpreter
Everyone deserves equal access to court proceedings, forms, and documents despite any language barrier. Find out how to request an interpreter below.